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An Introduction to Integrative Oncology for Healthcare Professionals
Module 2 Assessment

Is all exercise safe, both during and after cancer treatment?
What are the current recommended exercise guidelines for general health and well-being as set out by the ACSM and Department of Health?
What are the optimal current recommended guidelines for those suffering with Cancer Treatment Related Fatigue?
Cancer patients receiving treatments that negatively impact bone mineral density should be encouraged to participate in which activities?
Is exercise safe for those experiencing peripheral neuropathy in their hands and feet?
Exercise has been shown to provide a protective effect in breast, bowel and prostate cancer. When exercising at the recommended guidelines as set out by the ACSM, those with cancer can potentially reduce their risk of cancer recurrence by what?
For many patients Cancer-Prehabilitation has the potential to prepare them for which cancer treatments?
If a cancer patient is open to the idea of exercising during their cancer treatment, but hasn’t exercised before and has a number of other health-related concerns, do you advise them to work towards the recommended guidelines as set out by the ACSM/Department of Health?
When living with, or at risk of lymphoedema, what are the recommended guidelines for exercise to help reduce flareups or worsening symptoms of this existing condition, or to reduce the risk of it developing?
If a patient is very deconditioned by their cancer and treatments and is visibly weak, very unsteady on their feet and struggling with most activities of daily living, what should you advise?

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